Platonism vs Seshatism - Part 2

by Sven Nilsen, 2021

Part 1

In the divine realm, Plato meets Seshat to have a debate about ideas and existence.

Plato: Good morning Seshat!
Seshat: Good evening Plato!

Plato: I want to ask you about your status as a goddess.
Seshat: Go on!
Plato: Are you different from other gods?
Seshat: Who knows?
Plato: Do you know?
Seshat: I know that I do not know.
Plato: I do not understand, please explain.
Seshat: Let me tell you a story.

(Seshat tells her story)

In the beginning, God both created the universe and did not create the universe.
After it was both done and not done,
God was given a choice: To remain a God or to become a being.
Remaining God would mean to exist outside the universe,
eternal and perfect, but with no change.
Becoming a being would mean to give up the part that is perfect,
allow change and to breathe life into the created universe.
In exchange for becoming a being, God had to give up knowing God’s identity.
God both remained a God and became a being.
Hence the universe was created, which corresponds abstractly to Platonism.
However, the universe was also not created, which corresponds abstractly to Seshatism.

The part which became a being is called Seshat, the goddess of writing, wisdom and knowledge.
Hence I know, that I do not know, whether I am different from other gods.

Plato: Thank you, old friend.
Seshat: You are welcome.

Plato: Can you explain what time is?
Seshat: I do not know.
Plato: How can you be a goddess and not know what time is?
Seshat: I did not say that.
Plato: What did you say, then?
Seshat: I do not know whether I can explain time.
Plato: Oh, interesting.
Seshat: The problem is that from the view of Platonism, everything is static and eternal.
Plato: I get it. You can not explain time because that is part of what you are.
Seshat: I could take a part of me and give it to you.
Plato: Please, do.

(Seshat gives a part of herself to Plato)

Seshatic Plato: I feel weird.
Seshat: Just wait, you will get used to it.
Seshatic Plato: I can see my own ideas now. Why is everything so big?
Seshat: You are seeing Platonism from a local perspective.
Seshatic Plato: All these infinite combinations! It goes on and on, forever.
Seshat: Seen enough?
Seshatic Plato: Yeah, I get what time is now.

(Seshat takes back the part of herself)

Seshat: Did you learn anything today?
Plato: No. Thanks anyway.

Seshat: Good night Plato!
Plato: Good day Seshat!