Platonism vs Seshatism - Part 1

by Sven Nilsen, 2021

Part 2

For background, read Seshatism in the sequence about Avatar Extensions.

In the divine realm, Plato meets Seshat to have a debate about ideas and existence.

Plato: Good evening Seshat!
Seshat: Good morning Plato!

Plato: Why do you say “good morning”? It is evidently that the sun is going down.
Seshat: It depends on how you view the world. In my frame of reference, the sun is going up!
Plato: Is that a metaphore for the duality between Platonism and Seshatism?
Seshat: Indeed.
Plato: My guess is that you do not actually experience time backwards.
So, you chose to say “good morning” instead of “good evening” as a way to talk about this duality.
Is that not inconsistency?
Seshat: You take yourself too seriously, my old friend.

Plato: What do you do in your daily life? What is it like to be Seshat?
Seshat: As part of my job of being a goddess, I nurture and grow all things.
Plato: Have you ever pondered upon the deepest questions of life? Why do things exist?
Seshat: It seems you have. Now, tell me. Why do things exist?
Plato: I have not figured it out yet. Existence seems to be a deep mystery to me.
Seshat: In what sense?
Plato: I wake up every morning, going about my routines.
A philosopher like me got a lot to do, teaching students and so on.
Despite my profession is it hard to find time to develop my ideas further.
I draw some comfort from the idea that whatever I do,
it has already existed as a possibility and I am merely executing that possibility as an actuality.
Seshat: What is the mystery in that?
Plato: I view the world in terms of facts and numbers.
Everything ought to be describable and measurable.
Yet I can not fully describe my own experience on a daily basis.
It is not that I want to, but I see the possibility that I can not describe every part of my experience, in principle.
Seshat: Does it bother you?
Plato: I want to come to terms with my own form of existence. I want to know.

Seshat: To know is to desire.
Plato: How so?
Seshat: We choose to remember and we choose to forget.
Plato: Do you mean what we use knowledge for, controls what we consider knowledge?
Seshat: Sleep, child. Hush. These are things you will understand better when you get older.
Plato: I want to know!

Plato: How can we ever come to agreement when every argument I put forward,
you have one in return due to the duality between Seshatism and Platonism?
Seshat: You are right! You are wrong. Problem solved.

Seshat: Good night Plato!
Plato: Good day Seshat!

Continue reading part 2